Sunday, December 11, 2005

Church Christmas closings

On the Founders Ministries blog, Tom Ascol points out some of the reasons churches are giving for closing on Christmas day. It amazes and saddens me that many of those who seem to claim some kind of superiority when it comes to missions and evangelism, have chosen to shut the doors of their churches on Christmas day. I guess the thing that gets to me...other than the obvious that many of these who have chosen to forsake worship services on that day, are no doubt among those who cry the loudest over "under God" being removed from the pledge of allegiance, Christ being removed from Christmas by many of the popular retailers, and a host of other "de-Christianizing" actions taken by businesses and government agencies. Yet, it's ok to skip assembling together for the sake of expediency, cost-effectiveness, etc. etc.

I'm just a layman...and my intent isn't to chastise so much as it is to plead....pastors...heed Christ's command to "feed my sheep".....preach the Word...."in season, and out of season".

Is church a place where we assemble to worship God and be fed His word...or is it an entertainment venue for sinners? The true gospel is an always has been. It is the rock upon which I and all who have ever been converted were broken. Let's worry more about keeping Christ and His gospel in His church, than keeping His name associated with a holiday.


At 1/10/2006 12:00 AM, Blogger Journal T. Living said...

All of Grace,I declare the true gospel unto you, that Christ Jesus died for our sins according to the scriptures, He was buried and He rose again the third day according to the scriptures.



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